Legal software that will save you time


Your files are the building blocks of your practice. Amicus Attorney legal case management software allows you to have all of your files instantly accessible with all of the information you need at your fingertips. People associated to the file, tasks, appointments, important documents, phone calls and Emails… Amicus allows you to see everything with a click of your mouse. Automatically draft documents, keep track of limitation dates, know what needs to be done and when. The extremely user friendly program allows you to be in complete control of your cases so that no client is forgotten about and no case file goes stale.


The Amicus Attorney calendar is powerful and flexible. Group scheduling is convenient and easy. Keep track of your day and never miss a beat. Link events to each other so that they can be easily rescheduled. Create events in seconds – The user friendly interface allows you to create calendar entries quickly and easily. The interface is flexible and allows you to display your calendar in a variety of different formats. Be reminded of an appointment by email as well as the everyday notification so that you never miss an appointment again. Schedule events quicker using automatic scheduling.


Manage your to-do list in the Tasks Module. Keep organised and prioritise your upcoming tasks by organising them in a list format for a given time period, so you can prioritise them in order of importance. Assign tasks to your colleagues and monitor their status easily. With Amicus you always know what you and your colleagues have to do.


Easily keep track of the life blood of your practice – your clients. A powerful Customer Relationship Management tool, Amicus Attorney gives you all of your client information at your fingertips. Keep track of the files you are working on for your client, past phone calls, Email correspondence, meetings with them and everything else you need to know to effectively manage your clients.


Manage all of your documents from one centralized location. Easily locate that important document in a flash. Use the text search feature the scan through all of your documents for a precedent. Do you usually spend hours on end copying and pasting information into Microsoft word templates? Save time by using the Document Assembly feature to put together documents at the click of a button.

Software For Solicitors

Our Legal Software has many other features that Law Firms across the world love. With our legal case management software you can access the program from wherever you are in the world. Its powerful reporting will allow you to properly manage your firm using the wealth of information the reports generated can tell you. To find out more about the program then why not contact us for a live demonstration.

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